I have been incredibly busy this whole so I haven't had time to do anything else but open the package making sure everything was there, which it of course was.
Cases, panels and knobs in the bottom right. Power adapters in the bottom left. Component bags in the top. PCBs in the middle and USB-cables to the left and ODAC boards to the right. |
Since there were no bits of paper on the two single resistors I had to make custom "flags" for them. A bit of tape and a small piece of paper worked just fine for labelling them. |
I am not sure when I will start building these because so far I haven't had time to do any advertising and I haven't gotten any requests yet either. This was thought to be a summer job but the earlier I can start advertising and selling the better it is. Selling ten of these in Sweden is likely going to take a while.
If you are interested in buying, send me a message at phimusicblog@gmail.com.